As you probably know, social bookmarking as a marketing and backlinking strategy has been around for a few years. Bookmarking is heavily in use by online marketers for acquiring backlinks and additional traffic. Yet the smarter IM businesses will use certain bookmark sites as they are intended to be used which is also a strategy for continued growth and expansion. However we do realize we are all different, and some people prefer certain methods over others. Social bookmarking sites basically give you a place to keep bookmarks, for those who are really new to IM. Plus you can tag your bookmarks with your particular keywords which can help with some SEO but it tends to be temporary.
A couple of years ago the more popular bookmark sites made all their links to nofollow which had a huge impact on bookmark rankings. The more well-known bookmarking websites were able to just kill the search results for their bookmarks. No, I do not have any secret knowledge about the real reason those sites modified to nofollow. But I would not be surprised if that happened.
However there is a lot you can do with certain approaches at these highly trafficked sites. What can cause issues with so many profiles for backlinking is those profiles are not well written or anything similar to high quality. What you can do is simply write better profiles that at least look like they're for real. More normal, non-spammy, profiles will not be deleted by the human reviewers - and that is why it's wise to do it like that. Hopefully you realize the great value available when you take an approach encompassing a higher quality profile.
When you do build a useful profile with content, then of course you can create an RSS feed from that. You can market your RSS feed at other places and RSS directories.
You may include your various links plus targeted content in your feeds, too. Just make certain you provide excellent content in your feeds and avoid being spammy with the links in them.
What you want to do is maintain a sense of balance between promoting your money sites/offers and offering good quality content that your online subscribers will appreciate. You can achieve a lot if you have solid associations in place at bookmarking sites. It is best to keep a respectful presence at social bookmarking sites, and if you do that then you will discover it serves you well. Say for instance you currently have a web-site on anti wrinkle products you simply can't begin giving individuals hyperlinks to your website; you first have to establish a relationship with them.
The important thing about social bookmarking is how you use it is entirely up to you. We all possibly realize most marketers only desire the off page SEO value with bookmarking sites, and that is cool. Perhaps you can try it at just one powerful bookmarking site and see how you like the results.
A couple of years ago the more popular bookmark sites made all their links to nofollow which had a huge impact on bookmark rankings. The more well-known bookmarking websites were able to just kill the search results for their bookmarks. No, I do not have any secret knowledge about the real reason those sites modified to nofollow. But I would not be surprised if that happened.
However there is a lot you can do with certain approaches at these highly trafficked sites. What can cause issues with so many profiles for backlinking is those profiles are not well written or anything similar to high quality. What you can do is simply write better profiles that at least look like they're for real. More normal, non-spammy, profiles will not be deleted by the human reviewers - and that is why it's wise to do it like that. Hopefully you realize the great value available when you take an approach encompassing a higher quality profile.
When you do build a useful profile with content, then of course you can create an RSS feed from that. You can market your RSS feed at other places and RSS directories.
You may include your various links plus targeted content in your feeds, too. Just make certain you provide excellent content in your feeds and avoid being spammy with the links in them.
What you want to do is maintain a sense of balance between promoting your money sites/offers and offering good quality content that your online subscribers will appreciate. You can achieve a lot if you have solid associations in place at bookmarking sites. It is best to keep a respectful presence at social bookmarking sites, and if you do that then you will discover it serves you well. Say for instance you currently have a web-site on anti wrinkle products you simply can't begin giving individuals hyperlinks to your website; you first have to establish a relationship with them.
The important thing about social bookmarking is how you use it is entirely up to you. We all possibly realize most marketers only desire the off page SEO value with bookmarking sites, and that is cool. Perhaps you can try it at just one powerful bookmarking site and see how you like the results.
About the Author:
Caitlyn Sierra has a passion for losing weight, however she has also written on fat burning exercises, check out both of his sites: diet lose weight fast And best way to lose body fat