Morning Sicknesses: Tips That Will Help You

By Walter Haney

The films would have you believe that one of the early signs of a new pregnancy is morning sickness. While this is not scientifically so, forenoon sickness does, in fact, afflict about 60% of gravid adult female in the U.S.A., although to variable degrees. The degree of illness can range from just noticeable to hyperemesis gravidarum, which is an all-consuming feeling of nausea accompanied by excessive vomiting in early pregnancy.

While numerous females report no morning sickness at all, a majority of pregnant females indicate that they have several variation of illness within the first trimester, or three months, of their pregnancies. In spite of what the name suggests, morning sickness can hit at any time of the day, though most often is reported in the morning and early evening hours.

Theories abound as to what, exactly, causes morning sickness, but the most widely recognized thoughts are that it's caused by high hormone levels or lack of food intake. Before heading to the doc's office, or putting medications into the body that may be absorbed by the fetus, many females prefer to try a home remedy to cure their nausea and vomiting.

Morning sickness is often curtailed, or overcome altogether, but ensuring that a female's stomach is never completely empty of food. Carrying healthy snacks like peanut butter, crackers, cheese or raisins can help guarantee that this doesn't occur. Many females also report that sipping very hot or very cold liquids also aids keep nausea at bay.

Use of herbs, often found easily all over the counter, can also be used. Herbs most usually used to fight morning sickness are ginger root, peppermint, anise and fennel. Many others report satisfaction from spearmint tastes or lavendar scents.

Regardless of the method or methods used to halt morning sickness, women can take solace in the fact that it rarely lasts much longer than first few periods!

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