Dog Obedience Training Should Not Involve Physical Discipline

By Maria Lopez

Though nobody wants to own an aggressive dog who's wild, you will want to take care how you go about training your dog. Some means are down right abusive, and will only accomplish frustration and harm. Though the older methods of dog obedience training involved corporeal punishment, if this occurs, then your dog will only fear you and not respect you.

There is very little need for physical contact with your dog, despite what they have done. You don't want to use spanking or hitting as a method to train a pet, no matter how bad it is. You should only use physical contact as a means of affection and to keep them safe, not punishment.

Of course, people hit their dogs because they're now frustrated and impatient with their animal, and they want release. That's not going to accomplish anything by way of training your dog, however, and will encourage your dog to become afraid of you and disobedient. You don't want to train your dog to become aggressive, either, so it's best not to use this method.

Naturally, a dog can't speak to you in your language and let you know that they understand they were wrong. Thus, they only respond in one of two ways: to saunter off, or to become angry. Don't expect your dog to respond in any way other than these two ways. If they pee on the floor, or knock your trash over, or rip open your shoes - these are dog behaviors, and shouldn't merit abuse of any sort.

However, if you want to talk to your pet when he's misbehaved, you'll use your tone of voice. This is a sound your dog will understand immediately, and you can stop your pet in time if you train him using this method. Dogs are sensitive to our inflections and tone, be sure of that.

Just be sure that you affirm your place as the leader of the "pack," and treat them as you would a child. If you are after obedience, then you have to keep your composure and keep your emotions in a tight reign - don't spank or hit your dog.

Finally, you'll need to be sure that your tone of voice alone is what you use, and don't yell or scream. Your voice should be firm and steady. Yelling can also make your dog afraid of you. Be careful to use your words in such a way that you make your point, and do so in a more controlled fashion.

Honor the rule of thumb with dog obedience training: you don't want to physically harm your dog under any circumstances. Physical touch is only used to show affection or praise. Physical abuse is wrong, and won't help you or your dog.

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