Some Fresh Washer and Dryer Appliance Tips

By Courtney Brazley

All of us have appliances at home, and sooner or later you too will be faced with an appliance repair. We all want to get the best performance out of our appliances while they last.Treat your appliances well and they will last for a long time. Here are some home appliance tips for your washers and dryers that you can start using right away.

Tips for your washing machine.

Sort your clothes properly. This means separate whites from woolen items and colors from delicates. Make sure the temperature is set right for each of these as well. White cottons and lines should be set to around ninety degrees and around sixty for normal colors. All delicate items will get cleaned best if the temperature for them is set to cold.

For best laundering results, be sure to add detergent to the washer before you add the clothes.Treat spots and stains as soon as possible. Use a warm water and soak when you have greasy or oily stains. Soak in cold water, not hot, for protein stains. Thirty minutes soaking time is sufficient, followed by a wash cycle to complete cleaning. If the stain remains simply repeat the procedure before drying.

Washers which move the water through the clothes instead of the clothes through the water, provide thorough cleaning with less wear and tear on clothes.The amount of suds in the washer is no indication of the detergent's cleaning power. In fact, some of today's detergents are formulated to create less suds. Never purchase so-called alternative laundry products.

Always use more water than you think you need, unless you have a front-loading machine. If the load cannot circulate properly, the clothes will fray and will twist up around the agitator. This causes wear on the agitator seal, and consequently, oil spots on the load.

Baking soda is another thing you can if you want brighter whites and brilliant colors. You only need about half a cup and it will help a great deal in getting odor free results.

Dryer Tips

Don't forget to check your pockets. Chewing gum may make it through the wash with little to no consequence but your luck will run out if it is put into the dryer. Gum, pencils, change, nails, needles, jewelry and other items can damage clothing as well as damage your appliance.

Avoid dryer overload. If you put way too many clothes in your dryer you will end up choking off the circulation. Dryers need to circulate the air between the garments to dry them properly. But the opposite is also true; don't put too little items in either. When you have too few items in the dryer they will tend to bunch up. What you end up with then is not enough air circulation at all, between the clothes.

Pay close attention the the exhaust vent behind the dryer and don't get it kinked. The shorter the better. The exhaust ducting should be a metalized rigid/flexible material. Avoid vinyl as it can be easily crushed. Vinyl will not withstand heat as well as metalized ducting. Clean lint screen between loads and more frequently if drying material with higher cotton content.

If you have an outside vent hood make sure you check and clean it as necessary. Some have a metal or wire mesh grates which covers them, which is good for keeping out rodents and other critters, but they can easily clog. The best vent hoods are the ones that open when you're using the drying and close shut when not in use.

Dryers located in warm areas will obviously dry clothes faster than a dryer located in a cold basement so this is something to keep in mind. It's also a good idea to dry loads in succession, one after the other, because the dryer will use residual heat left over from the previous load to quickly dry the next.

Implement some, or all, of these appliance tips and not only will you get greater performance from your washer and dryer, but you will also be increasing the life of the appliance as well.

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