Influence of Roses to Men

By Greg Pierce

The rose is said to be one of the ancient flowers that existed long time ago as rose fossil remains dating from 35 million years ago, long before the human species existed, were excavated in North America, Europe and Asia in varying colors. However it is vague as to where it originated and how it began. But the ancient civilizations were the first to benefit from its various uses and the Chinese and the Egyptians were the first to cultivate it.

The rose, which is considered to be a symbol of love and beauty, has a number of uses. An example is in the field of medicine. Rose petal tea is has both cleansing and diuretic agent that promotes regular bowel movement and clears the body of toxins and wastes through the kidneys and being the urine as end product of elimination. Roses have antiseptic effects that maintain the normal flora of the digestive tract thereby reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal tract infections such as dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Being a good source of vitamin C, a cup of tea made from rose petals has an antimicrobial effect that helps to relieve sore throat, nasal congestion and stuffiness and other minor respiratory problems.

Essential oils extracted from rose petals are believed to soothe emotions and balance the mind. Rose extracts has uplifting effect to the central nervous system relieving stress, promoting sleep and relaxation, relieving insomnia, depression and fatigue and has an aphrodisiac effects that rev up sexual libido.

Roses are also used in perfumery. Many famous brands of cosmetics, perfumes, lotions, bath soaps and among others list rose oil and scents as its main components. According to history, Roman women used to bathe in tubs filled with rose petals while Egyptian women fill their beds with rose petals before lying down into it.

Roses are also used as decorative ornaments for which are lavishly used in weddings, parties and other events. Being a symbol of love, roses are also given as gifts to woo a woman and in many occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, promotions and the sort.

This flower indeed has immense value not just in the field of medicine and related areas such as in aromatherapy but also in social functions and events. Flowers do not only color our world but they also make the air more pleasing to our senses.

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