5 Fast Tips To A Compelling Writing Style...Now!

By Sonja Solaro

Do you want to write in a more compelling style? If you are like most people, your answer is yes. The good new is, it only takes a small amount of improvement and you will effect your emails, articles, press releases, blog posts, web copy and every part of your business and your life in a positive way.

It's somewhat true when you think back to that old advice that, "practice makes perfect." But it's not 100% true. We need specific advice. And most of us don't have the time these days to sit around and write and write for hours on end, waiting for a small improvement to show up. We are looking for some quicker results. We are looking for tips we can use today.

So, I am sharing with you a few tips and faster ways that you can improve your writing skills. You can certainly put these to immediate use, without having to spend months and years "practicing."

5 Tips For Making Your Writing Style More Compelling

1) Always add a photograph or illustration, if possible. It is definitely true that a picture is worth a thousand words. It almost seems like a crazy way to start a list on writing tips with this one, but it is very true. Pictures always grab people. They get attention and draw people to your writing. Then, they help keep people at your page. If an illustration is not allowed for some reason, paint a picture for your reader with your words. Be descriptive and entertain their senses.

2) Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. This makes it easy for people to read your work. Don't spool out real long, ongoing sentences and chunky paragraphs. Keep it easy, fresh and to the point. When it's easy reading, it's enjoyable to read, and the reader's get your point. That is your goal.

3) Numbered points and subheadings guide people easily through your piece. And readers tend to process any information when it is presented to them in smaller chunks. It's a good idea to take advantage of this with bullet points, strategies or ideas whenever possible. Capturing a reader and helping them remember what you have written will be one of the results.

4) Write in an easy to understand format and be to the point. Tight, concise pieces are understood and are more visually pleasing too. Your readers will be delighted as they flow along. Make it your goal to stay interesting. Don't waste extra wording trying to explain things in a variety of ways. When the content gets too lengthy, your piece tends to get confusing. If you have a lot of information to share, you can always split it into two or more parts.

5) Never wander far away from your central point. Getting too many ideas and thoughts splashed through your piece will confuse readers about the main idea. It's a good idea to build an outline before starting. What's your main objective? Then choose about three or four subpoints that support it. Make sure each point is relevant to your piece.

Five fast and easy tips have been gone over for you. They are simple, but do not undervalue the power they hold. You will get amazing results when you put them to use. Best of all, you can start using them today. You are on your way to strengthening your writing skills already.

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