Marital Problems Due To Hearing Loss.

By Al Beix

If you find yourself asking why you and your spouse never talk any more or wondering why they have become distant and un-communicative, perhaps your spouse is living with an undiagnosed hearing loss.

For those that have not experienced hearing loss it is sometimes hard to understand how it could be possible for one not to realize that are suffering from it. The reality is that hearing loss usually develops over several years or even decades and because of this evolutionary crate of change the victim is unaware of the gradual loss. Hearing loss could be compared to growing hair in that it goes on daily but we see no change from one day to the next however, over time we suddenly realize one day that we need a haircut.

Because hearing loss in invisible, unlike hair growth, both the victim of it and the people around them are often totally unaware that the victim is living in a far quieter world than those around them even though they all live in the same acoustic environment.

Due to the sneaky nature of hearing loss it is very common for both the victim and those close to him or her to be completely unaware that hearing loss is the real source of the victims apparent aloofness and uncommunicative nature with the result that they perceive the person as having become distant and uncaring.

With this all said, if you have a partner that appears to have become distant, or that you now have trouble communicating with you owe it to your marriage and life together to suggest that they get their hearing tested. If they are embarrassed by the idea or resistant to it ask them to have a look at where they will find a simple 2 minute self test they can perform in front of the TV set that will let them and you know if hearing loss is an issue.

If the self test shows they do indeed have hearing loss, while they are on the hearing-loss-and-aging site they can click on the Century Hearing Aids tab at the top of the page and click on one of the links on that page which will take them to a site where they can take the same test as would be administered in a hearing center and get a printout of the results. Look under the Why Buy From Us Tab.

Based on my own personal experience as a person who only recently accepted the fact that I have hearing loss that was affecting relations with those that I care most about I can state without reservation that investigating the extent of my hearing loss and taking appropriate remedial steps is absolutely the best thing I have done in terms of its positive impact on me and those that I care about in terms of reduced stress and frustration. My biggest regret of all it is that it took me so long to deal with the problem.

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