Become Successful With Women By Reading This

By Alex Decoto

Here, I am going to focus on men who go wrong when they try to improve with women. I will not focus on average men who make mistakes with women. My goal will be to show what men who actively try to better themselves with women do wrong.

Too many men think that improving with women will be a piece of cake. Well, it will if you were already at least somewhat successful with women. But, if you weren't, it is going to take definitely more time that you think. In fact, from all the guys I know (who've gotten into this journey), I cannot name a single one who hasn't made this mistake. It will take more time than you think, get over it. I used to think it was going to take me about 8 months approximately. Well, it took me years; and I am still learning, my journey is not even close to being over. Get used to this fact.

An other mistake men make is that they read too much about becoming better with women, rather than actually getting out of the house and practice it. This will not be an easy journey. You will face a lot of hardships. Embrace for that. It will come. It will get easier by time. But, if you are really shy now, it will take a lot of work (approaching and socializing with women much much more) to even get to the point where you can function with a woman like an average guy (and by the way, your goals are going to be higher than the goals of an average guy).

No matter how hard it gets, don't quit. This is the largest mistake men make. If you do this, you will never find out your potential with women. You will always suffer and wonder what could you have made of yourself.

I wish your journey goes smoother now.

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