I remember as a kid how badly I wanted to make money. If you’re a young person wanting to make money, here are a few ways you can start making money before you’re even old enough to technically work:
Fill Out Online Surveys: Kids can make money online just by filling out online surveys for video games and movies.
Kids always seem willing to give up a bit of their lunch money for the potential of something neat.
Every house needs dusting, a lawn mowed, snow shoveled, leaves raked, and plants watered. See if you can help people get those chores done for a few dollars.
Help Elderly Neighbors: Are there some nearby elderly people that could use some help. Teach people how to use or fix their computer.
Weekend Car Washes: Hold a car wash every weekend. Type Papers: If you are good at typing, you can charge other kids at your school to type their papers for them.
Tell Why: People like helping other people. Mention why you are trying to save money in your flyers and when you talk to people. Don’t just tell them you are trying to make money. Tell them you are saving money for a trip, or to buy something, or to help someone out.
Here are a few simple, yet practical steps to teach kids about money:
Right off the bat this gives kids an additional option for their money besides spending. Next help kids set goals and make plans for achieving those goals – including savings goals. Playing games like Monopoly, doing activity and coloring books, creating family and personal savings jars are a few more examples of how to vary activities for kids.