Is It Best To Be Honest With Women?

By Alex Decoto

Today, I am going to talk about something that is really counter intuitive. Up until a year ago, I never heard about anyone doing something like this. It is really simple and honest. However, it is not easy to do.

We will imagine that you go on a date with some woman. You will both be into each other and you will enjoy each others presence. You will probably kiss and they you will go somewhere more quiet and private. By the way, when asking girls out, don't do it indirectly. Ask her directly and don't beat around the bush.

So, you go on a date with her and you both like each other. You kiss each other. You see that she is into you and you both agree to go to your or her home. Here is where most men mess up.

Do you only want to sleep with her or do you want to be in a relationship with her? Most men don't tell the woman. And most women expect a relationship to develop after that. This is the biggest problem. Women can't help themselves, they simply get attached to men after sleeping with them (at least the majority of women).

Yes, you need to tell the woman that you want only physical intimacy before you actually sleep with her! I know that you are looking at me in horror. Hey, I admit that this is not the safe way to get to last base. However, women will appreciate it so much. Most women consider men sleazy. You have to think in abundance because that is how true players think like. They don't worry about getting rejected by some women. Let's face it, after you tell the, some of them will reject you. But, it is going to pay off long term. You will get much respect for this.

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