How To Maintain A Keen Memory

By Angela Brown

Children are known to have a good memory compared to adults and this has been attributed to age, it is said that the older a person gets, the more forgetful one becomes. But there are ways in which you can be able to supplement the issue of forgetfulness

Foremost if you want to easily remember specific events, it's good to be excited and ready to attend to the events, in fact if you want to remember some memorable events it's better to try and show some excitement as you try to place the events in your memory.

You can make it livelier by linking the issue to a funny event that you probably think is going to happen the day that you want to attend to the issue.

If we take a simple example, where you want to remember a sequence of events such as; you want to buy a match ticket of your favorite game. Visit a dentist and phone a client on the same day, then you can be able to associate it with a picture where a man is eager to attend a football match so has bought a ticket and is picking up is phone to call a client as the dentist is preparing to attend to him.

Songs have also been known to be good for memorization. At least all people remember some of the songs they used to sing in kindergarten so you can be bale to make a song of the issues that you would love to remember and then sing about them.

If it's an event that you hate, you can try and think of the effects of the events unto which you are supposed to attend to; this will provide the best opportunity for you to remember the day you are supposed to attend to that specific event.

Remember noise is a bad distraction for maintaining a good memory so avoid excessive noise if you want to remember essential details.

Through more practice of the tips stated above be sure your memory is going to improve drastically

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